Tag Archives: Current Events

Germany Calls on McDonald’s To Stop Their Cultural Appropriation of Hamburgers

Article by Jeff Wolfthal

Geneva, Switzerland– In an effort to curb public outcry over rampant cultural appropriation, German Ambassador Gerald Albrecht has requested that American company McDonald’s cease their sales of Hamburgers. As an American company named after a family of Irish immigrants, it has been deemed inappropriate for the chain to continue sales of a product which originated in Germany and is named after a German town. In order to be more culturally aligned, McDonalds will now serve mutton and corned beef; and can’t serve potatoes for 4 years once a decade.

“We have been told that we must show respect for other cultures by allowing them to exist in a vacuum. Our previous notion of cultural integration bringing the world closer together was apparently deeply flawed. Instead, if your culture didn’t specifically invent it, you can’t use it.” explained UN Cultural Attache Zachary Burk. “We look forward to the new unity found in this societal separation.”

Similar efforts have lead to a serious upheaval of western civilization. Followers of the Norse religion are now demanding that anyone who is not Scandinavian find new names for the days of the week, Greece is taking back the alphabet, and India is no longer allowing the rest of the world to use the concept of the number Zero.

Jeff Wolfthal is culturally inappropriate.

Groundhog Sees Reporters, Predicts 6 More Years Of Climate Change Denial

Article by Jeff Wolfthal

Pittsburgh, PA– Everyone knows Punxsutawney Phil, the prognostication-inclined ground dwelling mammal native to Western Pennsylvania, and his tradition every February 2nd of having a human alarm clock pry him out of his home so he can get to work on time. A creature you might be less familiar with is Pittsburgh Ralph, Phil’s more politically astute nephew. While Phil occupies himself with weather-related climate prediction, Ralph is more concerned with the political climate.

“Ralph has always been a smart kid…” Explained Phil through his interpreter, “…but he’s too serious. People get so touchy about politics. If he was smart, he’d get in the weather business like me. Be cute, run from a shadow, take some pictures, and no one gets mad when I’m wrong!”

This year, in a way, Ralph took his uncle’s advice. Based on coverage of Phil’s annual event, news headline statistics, and careful study of Twitter, Ralph believes that we are still in for 6 years of not only climate change debate, but dominance of denial viewpoints.

“I love my Uncle…” Stated Ralph through an interpreter in a press briefing, “… but the fact that more Americans believe a groundhog can predict the weather than believe in scientific studies that point to dramatic climate shifts is, and should be, alarming.” He then began to chew on the paper that the report he somehow managed to type with his adorable little paws was printed on. It was saved by the interpreter, and Ralph was put back in his study/ burrow for another year.

While this report seems bleak, it is comforting to know that the alternative finding could have been 3 more years of people going “Live” on Facebook.

Jeff Wolfthal has a hard enough time believing in himself, much less intuitive squirrels.

Hipsters Now Top WHO List Of Fastest Spreading Diseases

Article by Jeff Wolfthal

Geneva, Switzerland — Up until now, many considered the Zika Virus to be the only contender for the top spot on the World Health Organization’s annual chart of pathogens racing to eliminate you from the face of this planet like the sentient zit you are, but in a surprise upset consistent with the way the rest of 2016 has gone, the actual winner is a threat no one really took seriously. Reappropriatus Civilica, or as its commonly known: The Hipster, is currently ahead of Zika, Dengue Fever, and West Nile in terms of rate of spread in Developed Countries. And let’s face it: those are the only countries anyone really cares about.
Dr. Hugh Rosenblum, a WHO virologist, explained the gradual rise of Hipsters over the past decade:

 “Most prevalent in urban areas, it is common knowledge that it originated in Portland, Oregon. What many may not know is that it is the direct result of a convergence of Smug from San Francisco, and Starbucks-induced existential dread from Seattle. These forces mutated into the common Hipster, and spread to the east coast via ‘wanderlust’, a common symptom of the condition.”

What is particularly concerning to the WHO is that Hipsters are now spreading into rural areas of the United States, as well as European Cities such as London and Barcelona, which are areas previously thought resistant to this sort of infection. The most terrifying aspects of the Hipster pandemic is that it affects both the host body, and the local geography.

Dr. Rosenblum provided us with THE TOP 5 WAYS TO KNOW IF YOUR CITY HAS A HIPSTER OUTBREAK, which, if we lacked integrity and were prone to click-bate, totally would have been the title of this article.

5. Gentrification. The Hipster tends to take hold in economically impoverished areas as they offer the least resistance. It will establish its base in the form of a coffee shop that rivals Starbucks in price but is totally out of place in the chosen neighborhood. As future hosts are lured in, the original Hipster releases a pheromone that makes people think the run down building and found furniture decor is “urban Chic” or “making a statement”. Then, like an old white woman to a Murder She Wrote marathon, young people are drawn from surrounding areas, quickly followed by opportunistic architects and business. Before you can say “Flat White Americano”, the once depressed urban area now has a cute nickname and high end thrift stores.

4. Flannel — the most immediately recognizable symptom. If someone looks like they’ve never chopped wood in their life, but have a different flannel shirt for every day of the month, you definitely have a hipster infection on your hands.

3. Microbreweries— not all aspects of the Hipster pandemic are negative. They do make damn good beer.

2. Influx of exotic cuisine— especially if your town is so White it probably had Friday night lynching parties in the town square into the 1960s. The food is good and diverse, it will anger old racists, and it is necessary for the survival of the Hipster.

1. Specialty Stores that nobody wanted but now somehow can’t live without— Indonesian Christmas cards, Bacon t-shirts (both about and made out of), even ceiling fans hand-made out of naturally sourced heroine needles. Nothing can escape the hipster’s need for self-servingly niche crafts.

Remember, the hipsters greatest weapon is obscure popular culture from a time before they were cognizant enough to know what their no-no parts were for. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Jeff Wolfthal loves craft beer and pop culture.

Social Media Users Long For Days of Food Porn and Banal Statuses

Article by Jeff Wolfthal

Literally Everywhere– Subscribers to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and even Snapchat have found themselves trapped in a crate of disillusionment, langour, ennui, and various other pretentious words  as of late. Despite this over-abundance of SAT words creating their existential coffin, even Words With Friends players seem to be suffering. The cause? The 2016 Election for President of the United States Of America (as well as many other government positions, but who is paying attention to those, really?).

America’s impending election has lead to a gradual shift in social media use over the past 2 years from frivolity to fervor. An international thinktank, Social Trends Findings Unravelled (STFU), has studied this phenomenon as it has… unravelled. “What we once mocked as a depository for cat photos, emo song lyrics, and tales of impressive trips to the bathroom  has become a breeding ground for social and political conflict,”stated STFU researcher Kim Maslov. “Social media gives everyone a voice, everyone thinks their perspective is universal truth, and this has lead to many users taking themselves WAY too seriously. It’s a digital Molotov Cocktail out there.”

STFU research indicates that while social media posting has skyrocketed, active users have declined, as has original content. “Most of social media is now just people sharing articles from biased sources that support their opinion. A lot of users are tired of it and are ‘rage quitting the internet’. “

According to Julie Grady, a recovering social media user “If I just wanted to get yelled at and watch people fight, I would have stayed on Xanga.”

“Can all this just be over?” implored Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook. ” Facebook was supposed to be about making friends and awkwardly hitting on them with the ‘poke’ button. Now I feel like I’ve created a monster. This must be how Einstein felt about the Atomic Bomb.”

Jeff Wolfthal wants you to know that if you share this, he’ll put you in his Top 8.

Refugee Politely Declines America’s Offer For Asylum

Article by Jeff Wolfthal


Stock photo of a confident middle-eastern-ish woman

Homs, Syria– Amid years of unrest and an exceptionally volatile few months that make Rambo look like Princess Peach, hope is on the horizon for a few fortunate souls looking to flee wartorn Syria. For one hopeful, Amena Kattan, the doors to the Land Of The Free were opened, and she graciously said “thanks, but no thanks.” and gently closed them behind her like a child who just walked in on her Uncle Greg doing cocaine in the bathroom at Thanksgiving.

“The United States was actually my ‘Safety Country’.” Kattan explained. “I got their acceptance letter a few weeks ago and honestly I got a bit of expatriotitis. I knew I was out and that was all that mattered; but then at the last minute, I got an acceptance letter from my ‘Dream Country’ : Canada!”

When asked how she made her choice, Mrs. Kattan divulged some secrets of the refugee displacement process. “Well I got to take a tour of America, Canada, Germany, and Turkey. Everyone from Syria goes to Turkey these days, so I felt like I’d be running into all the same old people from my home village; and I want a genuine fresh start. America had a lot of diversity, but as soon as I disembarked from my group’s raft, the Immigration and border patrol was just plain rude. I think they’re just insecure about being rent-a-military. America just didn’t have that welcoming/family feel I want from my next country. Germany was my ‘Realistic Country’ because they’ve become very culturally tolerant and open since their whole genocide thing a few decades ago. They remind me of what I know Syria can be like in the future. Unfortunately, the whole blonde-hair-blue-eyes-thing is still prominent, so I stick out like a sore thumb. In Canada, my tour group was welcomed with beer, maple syrup, and Alanis Morissette CDs. Some people even got scholarships if they agreed to play for the Maple Leafs! I was also wowed by their Administration. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Indigenous people, and more all working together in high-ranking bureaucratic positions! It’s nice knowing they can put their differences aside for the common cause of inconveniencing the people they govern.”

As to what she is most excited about, Amena told us brightly: “Snow! Not ash covering the village from a night-long bombing, but actual honest-to-Allah snow!”

The rest of Amena Kattan’s family are still waiting to hear from a country. Her 7 and 11 year-old children are hopeful.

Continue reading

Citizens Outraged Over Riots That Have Nothing To Do With Sports Victory

Article by Jeff Wolfthal


Riot in Vancouver, Canada after 2011 Stanley Cup victory. Seriously.

United States, North America — After months of protests and street riots, American Citizens are finally saying “enough is enough.” Governors in 5 different states have had to dip into funds designated in the state budget for use in the event of Superbowl /World Series victories, and, to many Americans, that is unacceptable.

“Before now, destruction of property, looting, assault, and flipping police cars were celebratory gestures used to show team support.” stated Ray Runkel, a self-proclaimed Eagles Fanatic from Philadelphia. “Tearing shit up for your home team — that’s Patriotism! Doing it for any other reason is just ignorant and thug-ish.” Mr. Runkel then proceeded to crush a can of Keystone Lite on his forehead, exclaim “Fly Eagles Fly!” and run off into a crowd of his “Bros”.

Many Canadian cities have similar emergency funds allocated for Stanley Cup victories, and Brazil has funds set aside for restitution to the families of soccer referees who are beheaded during regular season matches. In England and Ireland, sports riots are so common that they replace whole cities with Hollywood- style sets the night before any game.

Jeff Wolfthal sports so hard.